The sheer joy when you go on a morning walk

My meditation led me to the joy of a morning walk

I reconnected with my natural self in meditation this morning. I asked what new do I write today! My Inner Voice spoke up; go on a morning walk. I felt my Inner Voice was indicating that I reconnect with nature. So, I put on my shoes and started for my morning walk. Little did I expect that I will awaken innermost sense of wellbeing. The sight of mangoes hanging from the branches, smoke bellowing from the chimney. There were more surprises that I could count. I did find so much joy and so much to share with you today. 

Birds can awaken your spirits

Today, I did not take my regular route. Instead, I walked into a narrower street in Malleswaram, the locality where I live. As I approached the street, In the far distance I could see a large, tall tree which had many dry twigs. There was a small bird with a long tail perched on one of the branches. I wondered; Is that a Shrike? It was a thrilling moment. I couldn’t make out whether it was a Shrike after all. But the sight awakened my numbed senses.

The joy of smelling fresh flower fragrances can still your mind

After the pause, I continued my walk and the moment I entered into this narrow street, more surprises were in store for me. Fresh fragrance of jasmine flowers captured my senses. Natural fragrances, that raw scent off the flowers is so sweet, soft and mesmerising. My body paused for a while breathing in the fragrance and the mind stilled. My nostrils and bronchioles decongested. Every cell in my body came alive and was breathing in this scent.

Its mango season…

I walked on. My eyes were open to the greenery. The green leaves on the trees we so fresh and shining. Wow! Did I even dream such an amazing sight. There were mango trees and the branches extended to the centre of the street. And from them were hanging so many mangoes. They were so beautiful. I almost went into their house and struck a deal to pluck all of the mangoes. Awww…! I am still seeing them in my mind. Don\’t ask me to give you the name of the street. I want those mangoes. 


As I walked on, I saw two more such trees, all of them showcasing what they had created. It was so lovely to see them. As I am typing, I am fumbling with words because I’m unable to describe how wonderful this morning was to me. It seemed as if I had not felt something like this after may childhood days.  

The the end of this street was in sight. I wondered if all the surprises were over. It turned into a busy street,  the 8th Main road. There was so much activity. It felt as if I had just entered a city. The honking was annoying, but there was more in store for me. 

Trees too celebrate as we do

There was a tall tree on my left. it didn’t have many leaves on it! I guess the tree was yet to catch up with spring. But, the tree seemed so perfect. It looked as if someone had trimmed its top. There was perfection in that too. And to my right was a may-flower tree. The red flowers had all blossomed to some celebration they were having. The tree was alive and it was enjoying the blossoming. 

I walked on. To my right were some police quarters. This junction is the 15th cross road. There are some old buildings with tiled


roof. One of these houses had a chimney. The chimney was bellowing smoke. It was such a humbling sight. In my mind, I was transported into a village scene. It was so perfect.

It is not that I have never travelled on these streets before! Just that, this was the time when I did reconnect with nature and I was open to experience the awesome.

Do we know everything about trees?

Trees are not here only to give shade and oxygen. They are alive as we are. They live, experience and enjoy more than we do. The roots handshake with each other creating a network of energies. They do this so that all creatures including you and me can live on earth. We know so little about them. Yet, we do not hesitate destroying them. Without them, life on earth is impossible.

As I walked home, I felt that the trees had sensed my joy. It seemed as if they all bent down so that I can smile at them and share my joy with them.

What is health ultimately?

\"fundamentals-of-ayurveda\"Health, is not about walking or exercising. Health is wholesome. It must awaken your innermost sense of wellbeing and that will resonate and reconnect with nature. That’s when you awaken health from within. That’s when you are well.


Ayurveda says; Prasanna Atmendriya Manaha – The soul will awaken to a happy state of mind. This is what health is all about. And that, I experienced today.

Go on your morning walk. Live your moment and share the joys with me just the way I did, with you.

— Mahesh Krishnamurthy

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Raghavendra Puttamanjaiah
Raghavendra Puttamanjaiah
5 years ago

While reading the article i was able to experience the joy by imagining those moments.
Especially mouth started watering while word mangoes were read. Thank you for sharing such wonderful experiences swami.

First thing tomorrow morning grab my shoes and get of the house for a walk 🙂

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