Poor health and bad lifestyle habits are costing India’s Silicon Valley billions

Poor health and bad lifestyle habits are costing India’s Silicon Valley billions of dollars each year says Ananya Bhattacharya.

Bengaluru’s IT sector loses Rs24,000 crore ($3.5 billion) annually on account of its employees’ physical inactivity, poor emotional and mental support, poor physical health, bad dietary habits, and substance abuse, according to the research and advisory firm RedSeer Consulting. The study was based on interviews with over 500 employees across 10 leading IT companies in the city, besides their secondary research.

Professionals in the age group of 30-40 years are the most vulnerable when it comes to harbouring unhealthy lifestyle habits, the survey showed. This age group also contributes to the biggest share (42%) of the losses says Ananya Bhattacharya.

For the younger lot of IT employees in Bengaluru, the biggest issue is poor diet, while for the older ones it is sedentary lifestyle habits and lack of physical health. Substance abuse is a common problem across the board.

The main reason for all of these problems to exist seems to be two aspects. First is their will to give up their precious time for work which earns them more money. This leads to compromising their quality of life which directly impacts their self love leading to Poor health and bad lifestyle habits.

The money these techies get, gets them their home loan, vehicle loan and a credit card. The debt they get into is glorious in the beginning. It turns to frustration and leads to a fear of losing their job. This causes them to compromise their time and freedom to work more, earn more so that there is some cushion between their debt trap and their want to have some pleasures.

Love for oneself is the most important aspect of ones life which must never be compromised. Compromising on your self love leads one to do everything to seek pleasures from life instead of getting back to love. This takes the techies away from their core causing them to indulge in drinking, smoking, substance abuse and other activities for pleasure.

The road is a dark tunnel with no pathway to return. Its very deep and dreadful.

The only way is to return to love. For you to be able to improve your life, it is important that you are not judged. You must be accepted just as you are and then the process of renewal of self love and self worth must begin.

At NadiChikitsa, we specialise in working with people who wish to improve their life and increase their self worth without affecting their work. It is possible for you to improve your life. The result is an increase in your work efficiency, improved inter-personal relationship and improved social connectivity, net worth and be accessible to better opportunities to improve your life.

When you comes in for your first appointment, we observe and understand the root cause of the habits and symptoms. Subsequently, we suggest techniques that help logically separate emotions from experiences, reduce the intensity of feelings that hold you back from being free so that you no longer want to turn away from your past.

Life is forgiving. It is important to accept your past and work with it. It is a freeing experience. It is possible to turn your poor health and live a renewed life with improved family ties and renewed bonds of love and togetherness.

Take charge of your life when you still have the choice.

— Mahesh Krishnamurthy

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