Living healthy can save you future hospital visits

Akshaya Tritiya is a day of abundance. Abundance means conscious flow of wellbeing. It includes wealth and anything that contributes to this feeling of wellbeing. Today, the majority of wealth stealers are the hospitals. So, it is important that we preserve and protect our health in the best possible way. May Living Healthy be a priority for you from today.

Living healthy in old age

Mr. Ashokan (name changed), has been coming into my office to take Marma Chikitsa treatments. He is an octogenarian. He has been a successful businessman Who has created an asset bank of lands and properties. However, health is something you cannot play with. Mr. Ashokan doesn\’t want to go to a hospital. It is not that they will steal his wealth away! He says; \”I want to pass away while I am still living healthy. I don\’t want to be dependant on anyone.\”

Swallowing tablets does not contribute to staying healthy. The body is an organism that knows how to return to good health. Ayurveda helps the body recover. Your body needs support to stay healthy. This can be accomplished by providing right diet, right environment and an appropriate intellectual and emotional attitude.

Ayurveda has all the knowledge that can help you stay healthy and improve your wellbeing in simple ways. There are several practices that can be done at home which can contribute to better health.

Learn Marma Chikitsa

One such practice is Marma Chikitsa. We have been conducting Marma Chikitsa Coaching Programmes regularly. Several people have come forward to declare that their spouse doesn\’t snore anymore. We have literally countless feedback from people who have declared that their sleep has improved. One particular lady, who did not want to come on camera said that her daughter used to spent 45 minutes of her morning time in the toilet. From the very first day after learning Marma Chikitsa from us, she tried the therapy on her daughter. She said that now her daughter is able to finish her ablutions in just about 5 minutes. My mother recovered from her heart condition only because of Marma Chikitsa. We did not take her to a hospital. There are countless people today who believe, living healthy is more important than worrying about your health.

This is why, we opened Marma Chikitsa Restorative and Healing Therapy Training for you. And we have some Akshaya Tritiya offers for you today so that you can make you dream of living healthy a reality.


We have an upcoming training on May 11th, 2019. Register Now and walk the path of abundant health.

Also, we thought of sharing a healthy affirmation with you today. Read it and apply it. That\’s when it will work.

Affirmation for today – I wish to better my health and so I am opening myself to living healthy in every which way.

Affirmations work when you back it up with action. Most people wonder whether affirmations really work. We experience our affirmations come to fruition all the time. You too can learn how to do it.

Make living healthy your priority today. Choose health over wealth. Wealth cannot earn you your health. But, good health can definitely be used to earn your wealth.

— Mahesh Krishnamurthy

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