Do you have one blocked nostril or nasal congestion most of the times? Has your doctor told you that you have a DNS or a Deviated Nasal Septum? Have multiple consultations got you to believe that only a surgery can cure you? Well, all of those multiple medical opinions could be factually incorrect.
A person came in for a consulation yesterday. He had a clogged nostril. He was breathing heavily. After Nadi Pariksha, he told me that he had a deviated nasal septum and that he was contemplating surgery that was recommended to him. To give him the confidence that surgery was not necessary, I performed Marma Chikitsa and within seconds his nasal congestion eased and he could breathe from his previously blocked nostril.
Here is some information that will be useful for you, if you too have a deviated nasal septum.
The Deviated Nasal Septum
The Nasal Septum is a cartilage and connective tissue that create the two nasal passages. When the nasal septum is not straight, it creates a symptom of improper air flow in one of the nasal passages. This condition is called Deviated Nasal Septum. DNS often cause blocked nostril, nasal congestion and many other associated symptoms. Many modern medical doctors who specialise in ENT (ear-nose-throat), recommend surgery as the ultimate remedy for this condition.
What\’s the truth about your DNS?
To begin with, let me bring to you some facts. Your nasal septum is a cartilage. This means, it is soft tissue. It is not hard like a bone. So, a deviated nasal septum is not a permanent condition. What can make your condition worse is your diet. Yes! Inappropriate foods such as excess of sweets, milk products, junk food, foods from the bakery, late night dinners, inappropriate combinations such as fruit juices along with food, etc., can worsen your condition.
What causes a Deviated Nasal Septum?
A deviated Nasal Septum can occur from infancy or also in adulthood. There is no specific time though! However, it does occur with improper food habits and bad food timing. Injuries on the nose can also cause a deviated nasal septum to occur.
Conditions that can aggravate with DNS
The most common symptoms of a deviated septum are blocked nostrils that cause difficulty inhaling and congested sinuses. Rarely do people have infections, or inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes.
Symptoms are often mistaken for those of a respiratory infection, common cold, or allergy. It is not necessary that people with deviated septum will have such symptoms.
Given below are some common symptoms that people with Deviated Nasal Septum may experience.
- blocked nostril, often more intense on one side
- nasal congestion
- frequent sinus infections
- sinus infections that are resistant to medication
- frequent nosebleeds
- frequent crusting or dry nose, often in the larger nostril
- heavy breathing while sleeping
- pain on cheek bones
- postnasal drip
- headaches
- snoring
- whistling noise while inhaling or exhaling
- sleep apnea which is present but uncommon
Treatments to manage Deviated Nasal Septum
Commonly recommended modern medical treatments include:
- steroid sprays to reduce inflammation
- nasal dilators
- decongestants
- saline irrigations
- antihistamines
Can surgery correct your Deviated Nasal Septum Condition?
Apparently, the answer is a \”Yes\” and a \”No\”. Let me explain. When a surgery is performed, the nasal septum is usually involves trimming and/or correcting the nasal septum. Does the problem get corrected with this surgery?
A surgical intervention to cure deviated nasal septum is short lived. In about 6 months, the cartilage grows back and repetitive surgery is recommended. Therefore, a surgical intervention may not be a permanent solution.
Treatments in Natural Medicine to manage or cure Deviated Nasal Septum
In natural medicine such as Ayurveda, treatments include a change in diet and lifestyle, which often yield good results. Let us get one thing straight. Modern medical doctors are not dieticians. And modern dietetics do not address this issue effectively. Natural medicine practitioners study the three doshas and their effects on the body. They also study how food can be treated as medicine.
Avoiding sweets, milk products, bakery products and heavy to digest foods is the first line of defence. Secondly, eat mindfully. Do not binge or overeat. Food timing and eating when hungry work as essential remedies to treat this condition. Thirdly, avoid cold foods such as ice creams and certain fruit juices.
Certain Ayurvedic medicines can cure this condition. However, it is important to note that a Nadi Pariksha can reveal what the primary and secondary effects of a deviated nasal septum. Once Nadi Pariksha has been done, the symptom and its effects can then be treated effectively with appropriate treatment.
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In Conclusion
The first line of treatment for deviated nasal septum is proper diet, lifestyle moderation and then medication. Deviated Nasal Septum is treatable using the approach of natural medicine such as Ayurveda. The processes yield quick results, often within a week.
Further treatments such as Marma Chikitsa have yielded promising results and almost permanent cures for this condition. At Nadichikitsa, you can also learn Marma Chikitsa so that you can get treated at home thereby reducing costs and time in repetitive visits for treatment.
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