Relationships can affect your health

Sachin(name changed), a man in his fifties came for a consultation. He looked bulky and could have easily weighed close to a hundred kilos. He had mentioned that he had diabetes and hypertension. So, when I performed his Nadi Pariksha, my diagnosis and investigation revealed to me that he was unhappy. He had more health conditions than what he had described. My investigation also revealed to me that the root cause of his condition was his attachment to his family and his concern about how his family will cope with life if something was to happen to him. These thoughts and feelings affected his health. Did you know that your relationships can affect your health? It is important to maintain healthy relationships.

Relationships can affect your health

Sachin has his wife and two children. His wife also works, while his children are still studying in college. While in consultation, his wife and children were criticising him most of the time they were with me. They criticised him about his food habits, his sleep and his snoring. His family also criticised him for his inability to take care of his health. They went on and on.Though they did all this with the intention that he will listen and transform himself, the approach they employed to help their head of the family to transform, was not harmonious. The result was that he tolerated them, felt hurt and yet couldn\’t tell them because he was too attached to them.

The result of his attachment to his family made him work extra hours. He did not want them to suffer and so, he would never disclose his sufferings and instead worked harder to bring in more resources for the family so that they can enjoy.

My investigation of his health indicated that his skin was getting affected, his liver was bad, his heart was getting affected, his digestion was very bad and all this affected the quality of his life. He knew most of the problems he had and yet he chose not to complain.

The Pillar of Strength

Sachin\’s children believe in him and his ability to provide for their every need. His wife too, believes and knows that he cares for the family. For them, he is their pillar of strength. Now, the question is, who is the pillar of strength for Sachin? Logically speaking, you cannot be your own pillar of strength. You cannot lean on yourself, right?

When I asked him, he became emotional and agreed that this is the core of all his problems, that he did not have a pillar of strength to lean on.

For men, when the family is not the strength that they wish to see, the pillar of strength shifts from family to food and money. You want to eat more and earn more money. And you will go to any length to have these two resources flowing into your life.

You begin to overeat and also eat when not hungry and at odd hours of the day and night. This way, your health begins to deteriorate. It is important to maintain healthy relationships.

Men are like housecats

Men are like house cats. They need the stroking and caressing more often so that they can feel secure. Their main interests are good home cooked food, peaceful sleep and some humour at home and strong family ties that will keep them going. Though on the outside men look so tough and strong, on the inside, they are exactly the opposite. Men are soft, tender and vulnerable. Men too feel hurt very easily but, they do not show it. It is important to keep the head of the family in good shape. Maintain healthy relationships.

Never ignore your health

Never ignore your health by over eating or losing sleep as Sachin did. Your relationships can affect your health. Sachin\’s condition is so bad that he is on a strict diet. He cannot have most of the food items you and I can have. His diet will last for 3 months. That is the time required for his body to recover. When your body is sick, you need to stop everything wrong that you are doing. You need to listen, follow what needs to be done so that the body will slowly crawl back to good health. Neglecting your health will make things worse, only for you. Your family can do nothing more than watch you suffer and whither away. Your family too will suffer, but in another way.

Come back to good health

It is possible to get back to great health if you catch your health slipping at the right time. Thanks to Ayurveda, Nadi Pariksha is such a powerful tool, that, it can diagnose all the hidden issues that are yet to manifest. Catching you health concerns in the nick of time can save you years of ill health and suffering.

— Mahesh Krishnamurthy

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