The mythical ME time

People are generally frustrated with each other and they look for sometime away from everyone. They call it ME time. The first time I heard ME time was several years ago when someone casually mentioned to me; \”I just want to spend time with myself. I want some ME time.\” We all have 24 hours to ourselves everyday. How do you want to spend these 24 hours is all that really matters. That, indeed is the real ME time.

The 24 hours available with me today, from the morning, is my time. How I live the 24 hours and what I do with these 24 hours is all that matters.

– Mahesh Krishnamurthy

How weird this ME time is! Did you know that the 24 hours I have with me, is all my time? The 24 hours available with me today, from the morning, is really my time and that is all that I have today. So, everyone alive on this planet, at this moment, is living their 24 hours right now. How I live the 24 hours and what I do with these 24 hours is all that matters.

What makes you want ME time?

What on earth makes you want more time on hand than what you already have? And what are you doing with the time you have with you?

Most people I know who want the ME time do not have a count on where their time goes! You are accountable for your time. No one else is. So, you need to be really stingy when it comes to spending your time. This means, you need to be really choosy about whom you are spending your time with. It is this lack of accountability for your time that makes you want more time for yourself or the ME time.

Be accountable for your time

Are you keeping track of your time? Where you are spending it and what are you spending it for?

Just like you count every little paisa you have, it is important for you to count every second you have. You must be accountable for your time because that is your time. More importantly, that is all the time you have for today. With every second spent, your time is less by that much today. If you throw it away carelessly, you can\’t have it back. It is gone for ever. That\’s why, you need to be extremely careful about time.

Value for your time increases or decreases with how you use your time and to what use you put your time.

– Mahesh Krishnamurthy

What are you using your time for?

You alone are responsible for how you use your time. Value for your time increases or decreases with how you use your time and to what use you put your time. When you value time, it boosts your self confidence. Activities that can enhance value for time.

  • Invest your time in family
  • Reading is an excellent habit to invest time in regularly
  • Reflect on an idea and bring it to life
  • Meditate regularly
  • Keep your meetings tight and crisp. Do not throw away your time in meaningless talk
  • Economise on time with better productivity at work

Beware of multi tasking

Multi tasking is a mania that has gripped the world. People who multi task often have a lot to do. That\’s because, when they multi-task, they actually are all over the place and they are never really done. They have their hands in 10 different things and a little of everything gets done and nothing ever gets accomplished. It is actually slower and that means, it takes longer than, when you focus on one task at a time. There are a marginal few who know how to focus and get more done in less time. That\’s an art.

In Conclusion

When you decide to be happy and successful, all you have to do is use your time cautiously and for the right reasons. Do not throw your time away carelessly. Time is God. Time is money. It is everything.

— Mahesh Krishnamurthy

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Veena Rao
Veena Rao
5 years ago

Very meaningful!!

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