Spontaneous Healing happened to him

Spontaneous healing is a happening. It has no human interference. I had the opportunity to witness one such healing in my office a few years ago.

I knew a person called Mr. Govindarajan, a renowned car mechanic. He owned a garage. He was a humble and religious man.

Mr. Govindarajan called me one day. He told me that a certain friend\’s son needed to see me for his pressing physical condition. He mentioned that the person\’s name was Balaji.

Balaji came in a few days later.

When Balaji came in, he was dragging his left leg. He had a crutch in his left hand. He came into my office. He was in extreme physical pain. He explained his condition to me.

I performed Nadi Pariksha on him. I shared my diagnosis and evaluation with Balaji. I also shared with him the therapies and treatments that he’d require to go through to get well.

Balaji had been diagnosed with Avascular Necrosis of the hip joint. The doctors he consulted recommended that he have a hip joint replacement surgery. He was looking for alternatives to a surgery and that is how he landed in my office.

Balaji and I spoke for about 45 minutes. After our appointment was over, he noticed something different in him. Balaji did not have any physical pain. His joints seemed completely okay. He realised that he did not need the crutch either. He got up and walked as if nothing had happened to him.

Spontaneous Healing had happened to Balaji. Over several months I met Balaji several times. There were no more symptoms of avascular necrosis on him.

spontaneous healing is a term used to describe sudden and immediate remission or remedying of a certain physical condition which otherwise will require a certain period of time to be remedied.

Mahesh Krishnamurthy 

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