10 steps to prevent fatty liver Disease

Fatty liver is a chronic disease that leads to a range of liver conditions affecting people who might not drink alcohol altogether. As the name suggests, the main characteristic of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is, too much fat stored in liver cells.

People with non-alcoholic liver disease must take serious note of their condition and stop abusing their body. Although this symptom causes liver inflammation, it may progressively cause irreversible damage to the liver. This damage is similar to the damage caused by heavy alcohol use. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease can progress to cause cirrhosis and liver cell death.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is becoming increasingly common in India. It is the most common form of chronic liver disease, affecting an estimated 9% to 32% of general population in India with higher prevalence in those who are overweight or obese and those with diabetes. This means more than two hundred and seventy one million people in India alone are affected by this symptom.

\"ReverseWhat causes non-alcoholic fatty liver disease?

From my experience of working with people who have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, I have noticed through Pulse Diagnosis, some common factors that may cause fatty liver disease.

Do you know? With Nadi Pariksha Pulse Diagnosis, a Vaidya can diagnose non-alcoholic Fatty Liver disease a few months before it actually shows up in a modern diagnostic lab test.

Take the Online Fatty Liver Disease Test for Free

Take this online fatty liver test to know if you may get this disease. If your answer to any 3 are [yes], then you need to take action to prevent an onset of a non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

  1. Do you experience work stress [yes/no]
  2. Your personal or professional relationships make you feel unhappy [yes/no]
  3. Do you wake up feeling hungry [yes/no]
  4. Your body weight is heavier than normal [yes/no]
  5. You go to the washroom more than once to empty your bowels [yes/no]
  6. After your meal, do you feel like eating or drinking something [yes/no]
  7. You skip lunch often and eat between 2-4pm [yes/no]
  8. A snack in the evening keep you full and dinner is usually after 9pm [yes/no]
  9. At mealtime you eat quickly without chewing much [yes/no]
  10. Television, Mobile or reading is a habit while eating [yes/no]
  11. You experience acid reflux or heartburn [yes/no]
  12. You feel tired and sleepy during the day [yes/no]
  13. Skin has darkened on your face or others parts of the body [yes/no]
  14. You have difficulty falling asleep [yes/no]
  15. You snore regularly [yes/no]

Symptoms of non-alcoholic fatty liver

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease usually reveals notable symptoms. They may include:

  • Incomplete bowel evacuation
  • Wanting to munch on something soon after food
  • Feeling weak and drowsy after meals
  • Acidic indigestion
  • Slight bulge in the upper right abdomen
  • General lack of. energy
  • Increased fasting blood sugars
  • Snoring and Sleep Apnoea

10 Steps to prevent non-alcoholic fatty liver

You can prevent onset of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by following some simple guidelines:

  1. Exercise regularly and keep your body weight under check
  2. Drink approximately 450ml warm water every morning so you can flush your intestines clean
  3. Never eat sweets, fruits, juices, hot or cold beverages after your meal
  4. Eat when you are hungry. Do not skip meals
  5. Eat within an hour after sunset
  6. Chew your foods at least 20 times each mouthful
  7. Do not watch television, read books or answer calls while eating
  8. Do not sleep during the day
  9. Eat fruits or drink fresh fruit juices between 3-4pm
  10. Meditate soon after waking up and at bedtime to connect with the Self.
  11. Take sleep therapy. Avoid sleep medication.

This is only a generic list. Please connect with us for a personalised chart as per Ayurveda, to reverse non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Fatty liver can be reversed in the early stages. As it progresses, managing your condition can become a challenge. Act when you can still save your liver. After all, this is the only organ that saves you from several diseases. Take care when you need to.

Mahesh Krishnamurthy

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