He cured his snoring and she cured her headache

Kiranmayee had frequent headaches for reasons unknown to her. Sreenivas had a snoring problem. His condition was so bad that she recorded his snoring and played it back to him. He couldn\’t believe it. That’s when they came to Nadichikitsa, Bangalore all the way from Austin, Texas so that they could find a cure for their health conditions.

Did you know that your snoring is the first indication of a future heart condition?

– Mahesh Krishnamurthy

I investigated, diagnosed and evaluated their health condition with Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis, Nadi Pariksha. Kiranmayee found her cure with just one Marma Chikitsa Restorative and Healing Therapy. She practiced Parihani Chikitsa and Nirmukt Chikitsa soon after so that her emotional patterns can be broken. That was the root cause of her headaches.

What to do when you have frequent headaches

When you have frequent headaches, the first thing you need to do is to get the correct investigations done. The investigation must not be limited to chemical imbalances in your head! The investigation must include emotional, psychological and mental influences that may cause you\’re frequent headaches.

His snoring stopped and he slept like a baby

Sreenivas had a habit of eating late at night. Light any IT professional, Sreenivas also would work late into the night and eat at odd hours of the night. He accepted my suggestions about healthy diet and healthy food habits. The suggestion were followed up with Marma Chikitsa Restorative and Healing Therapy and a few Yoga practices.

The whole programme for Kiranmayee and Sreenivas was just for about 7 days. Sreenivas found his cure in Marma Chikitsa Restorative and Healing Therapy and the few Yoga practices that he learnt at Nadichikitsa.


Not only that, his energy levels have also risen since and he is happy. Kiranmayee has now signed up for the Marma Chikitsa Restorative and Healing Therapy Training.

— Mahesh Krishnamurthy

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