Why women have osteoporosis

Lakshmi, a woman of 43 years came in for a consultation. When I diagnosed her condition through Nadi Pariksha, I realised that she had body pains. She confirmed this diagnosis when asked. As I investigated further into the diagnosis, it became clear to me that her bones were not getting the required nourishment. This is one of the reasons why women have osteoporosis. There are several reasons that cause the bones to not get nourished. But, most importantly, you need to know that you can reverse osteoporosis if treated properly. Enhance your bone health when you can.

Why women have osteoporosis?

Psychologically speaking, bones determine your stability in life. So, if your bones are undernourished, that means your life is not happening the way you want. For Lakshmi, her family financial situation was not great to begin with. Coupled with that was the lack of support and appreciation her immediate and extended family exhibited towards her. However, the root cause of her osteoporosis was not here. Many women, like Lakshmi, work to just keep the family afloat. Nevertheless, their approach to work is sometimes devoid of an objective or purpose. They simply have a goal and that goal is to have more money at home. It is important for them to keep this goal at the top because, there are some fixed expenses and there will be some unwanted surprises too. The anxiety that happens in this process causes bone malnourishment. You can enhance your bone health today.

What do women want?


Women look for transparency in their relationships. Men need to understand that it is not important to share everything with your wife to prove to her that you are honest with her and trustworthy. What is important is how you win her trust. Many men care less about their wife.

A woman usually feels her way through. She judges less but accepts more of how things are. That way she keeps her heart clean. However, her mind is a mess because of the confusion that erupts in her when a man says something, means something else and does something entirely different. Men who choose to be casual about their responsibilities end up mostly being careless. This is where all hell breaks loose.

When men become careless, women play the man\’s role. She has to, even though she doesn\’t know the turf and that she is stepping into a man\’s world. This causes a huge amount of insecurity in women which is why women have osteoporosis.

Women just want their husband to be responsible and do all that is necessary.

Reverse Osteoporosis


It is possible to reverse osteoporosis. There is an intelligent way of achieving this objective. You must first of all identify the emotions and feelings, beliefs and patterned thinking that keep your bones under nourished. This is the reason why women have osteoporosis. We must reverse or alter the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, emotions and actions. This can be achieved with specific work that we have know how of. Then, supplements that support and enhance bone health can be given which will help your bones get the nourishment it needs and reverse osteoporosis.

Never procrastinate healing

It is important to act immediately when you know that your body requires care. Procrastination can sometimes make symptoms difficult to treat or even irreversible. Wisdom must be shown by taking necessary action and with urgency. It is your health which is important. Show your body that you care. Give it the nourishment it deserves. Reverse osteoporosis when you can.

— Mahesh Krishnamurthy

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