Varicose Veins? Here are some Natural Remedies

Do you experience pain in legs? Do you like to shift weight from one leg to another after every few minutes of standing? Do you feel a weight in your legs, specifically below your knees? If your answer to any of the of the three questions is yes, then, it is most probable that you have vein pain. Vein pain is a common symptom. There is no age at which vein pain can occur. Both children and adults get vein pain in legs. Prolonged presence of vein pain in legs can lead to a symptom called Varicose Veins. Children can also get vein pain. It is usually possible to cure vein pain and varicose veins in the initial stages.

Why do people get vein pain?

The main causes of vein pain are low blood oxygen and bad digestion. Both of these conditions are self made. This means, they are not autonomous conditions. These symptoms are caused by improper breathing, anxiety, restlessness, depression, binge eating and stress eating.

What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are enlarged, swollen, and twisting veins, often appearing green, blue or dark purple. It can get painful. When the symptom is new, it can be treated with diet and minor lifestyle changes. However, as the symptom progresses, surgery becomes the only option.

What causes varicose veins?

\"\"Varicose veins are caused primarily due to poor oxygenation of blood, bad digestion and improper bowel evacuation. Low blood oxygen can cause deficient organ function and in most cases, causes vein pain. People who are anxious, restless and depressed are prone to this symptom. Bad digestion occurs due to excessive indulgence in food, eating when not hungry, snacking and consuming inappropriate food combinations and stress eating. Constipation and improper bowel evacuation can cause varicose veins. Veins usually don’t need our care. However, when our lifestyle and habits are unnatural, our veins can get affected and therefore needing care.

Diagnosing Varicose Veins

\"NadiNadi Pariksha is a natural method to diagnose, investigate and evaluate your lifestyle and dietary habits. It is always better to avoid varicose veins than manage it. People who may become candidates of varicose veins initially complain of excruciating pains. These pains are also seasonal. They aggravate in rainy season and in winters. You can get your Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis done to rule out varicose veins and other digestive disturbances which are more prevalent during the rainy season. Rainy season in India occurs during July – August.

How to get rid of varicose veins?

\"HealthyThere is treatment to cure varicose veins in legs. The treatment varies with the degree of varicose veins. Food and lifestyle restoration are the most basic and immediate natural remedies for varicose veins. There are also certain home remedies for varicose veinsTreatment cost for varicose veins can vary upon the kind of treatment one adopts. In acute conditions, stockings may help in arresting further aggravation of the symptom. However, most of the symptoms can be reversed with appropriate treatments.

Natural Food Remedies for Varicose Veins

Appropriate Foods: People with varicose veins must avoid certain foods. Below is a list of foods you must avoid.

Dairy Fruits and nuts Vegetables Cereals and pulses
milk, curds, butter, cheese and cottage cheese, all kinds of bakery foods and meats, poultry and eggs Banana, Avocado, Jackfruit, Peanuts, Cashew, Dates, and all nuts Mushrooms, Beetroots, Potato, Brinjal, Kidney beans Soya beans, Sprouts, all packaged cereals, jackfruit seeds

Oils such a sunflower, rice bran, til and groundnut oil must be avoided. Cooking with coconut oil will help you to get rid of varicose veins.

\"foodsYou must eat only when you are hungry. Do not give into food cravings. Certain food combinations must be avoided such as;

Consuming milk or tea with chapatis. Drinking coffee or tea after meals. Bathing after eating. Eating sweets after food.

Avoid foods that are cold and reheated. 

Slow down your pace of eating. Chew your food well instead of gulping it down. Drink 50-100 ml of water along with food so you can eat a little less. Drink water only after an hour after eating your meal.

Performing Yoga-asana and Pranayama can produce encouraging results.

Home Remedies to cure Varicose Veins

\"homeHere are few home remedies that can cure the symptom;

  1. Grated potato – Use a cheese grater and grate some potatoes and place them on the area where you have the varicose veins and wrap them up with a cloth. This will help cure the symptom in a few weeks.
  2. Add a few drops of water to Fuller’s earth clay (multani mitti) and add 3-4 crushed garlic cloves, 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar, half spoon turmeric powder and apply on affected area and leave to dry. Wash after 2 hrs. In 2-3 weeks you can see positive results.

In Conclusion

It is always better to prevent varicose veins. When the symptoms ages, it can lead to chronic venous insufficiency which means causes weak or damaged valves in the veins. Often surgery becomes the only available option. Avoid the symptom when you can. A generic diet may help in most cases. However, there are usually additional symptoms such as acidic indigestion, GERD, diabetes and high triglycerides which makes a personal consultation an absolute necessity. In such cases, a specific treatment plan helps.

 About the Author – Mahesh Krishnamurthy helps people overcome their physical, emotional and psychological sufferings through specific techniques that he has learnt and created from the guidance he received in his meditations. For a personal session, you can schedule a work with me appointment.

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Sheila Navlakha
5 years ago

Well written and informative.

Dr. Mahesh Krishnamurthy Ph.D
Reply to  Sheila Navlakha
5 years ago

Thank You

5 years ago

How to improve oxygen saturation in blood? Does low oxygen saturation and consequent varicosity of veins occur in people who apparently have normal O2 saturation at their fingertips when measured with the oximeter?

Dr. Mahesh Krishnamurthy Ph.D
Reply to  Rao
5 years ago

Namaste! Thank You for your question. You have asked a very pertinent question. Thank You again. Yes, low oxygen saturation and constant varicosity of veins can occur in people who have normal O2 saturation at their fingertips when measured with the oximeter. This is because, the oxygen saturation at the fingertips is not constant. A late meal, wrong food combinations, lack of sleep and emotional disturbances can bring the oxygen saturation down completely. This is what we have noticed time and again. However, the oximeter will still show a good oxygen saturation at that time.

One way is to correct your food habits. This is the best way to eat and stay healthy. Another way is to keep your body healthy by yoga, exercise, home chores, gardening, muscle training and toning and running, all of which improve oxygen saturation.

5 years ago

Thank you for your excellent explanation! It completely makes sense in the context of those whom I’ve seen having varicosity of veins. Does the converse also hold true about Oxygen saturation that even if the fingertips show lower levels, the actual saturation may be good if the person is calm/balanced and well nourished?

Dr. Mahesh Krishnamurthy Ph.D
Reply to  Rao
5 years ago

Thank You Rao for your encouragement and appreciation. Pertaining to your question; Here is my answer -No, when the finger tips reveal low saturation, you’ll actually experience symptoms. However, people in the hilly regions for example; have a different blood constitution which allows high oxygen saturation despite living in low oxygen environment. So, if you’re in such an environment, your blood constitution may change over time.

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