Don’t do these yoga asana

Don\’t do these asana if you have a low back pain. Low back pain is one of the most common symptoms and yet, it is has received the most shoddy treatments. The influence of physiotherapy on yoga and vice versa has brought in undesirable changes in the techniques that the therapists use to treat the condition. The lower back is a sensitive part of the body which plays a very important role in getting the body into a seating position and also for mobility. The psoas muscles play an important role in keeping the back in shape. When the lower back gets affected, seating and mobility are restricted due to excruciating pain. You must cure back pain the moment you experience discomfort or pain in your lower back.

When your back troubles you, the first activity you try is to test its flexibility. That\’s when you understand the limitations you experience in your back. You are in pain and you will do anything to get rid of the pain. What you must do in such situations is driven by your common sense. But, there are certain postures you mustn\’t do. These are postures may aggravate your condition so much that it may lead you towards a spinal surgery.

Don\’t do these asana

There are a few asana that you mustn\’t do when you have even the slightest of low back pains. Even though your intention is to cure low back pain, doing these asana will hurt your low back muscles, nerves and spinal discs.

Ardha Pavanmuktasana


Ardha-Pavanmuktasana is a variation of the yogic asana called Pavanmuktasana. This asana helps release gas that is accumulated in the large intestines. Ardha-Pavanmuktasana also helps stretch the psoas muscles that are located in the lower back. Though this asana is used to stretch the psoas muscles, when you are ailing with a lower back pain, the psoas muscles become stiff and the curvature of your lower back might have changed. Stretching the psoas major muscles with Pavanmuktasana or its variations must not be done to cure low back pain as it can be dangerous because, stretching the psoas muscles when in pain, can lead to permanent injury to your psoas muscles, nerves and other tissues.

Jathara Parivritti


Jathara Parivritti is an asana that comes under the classification of twists. Though this asana is recommended to stretch the back and gives good flexibility to your low back, never do this or variations of this asana to cure back pain. In this asana also, the psoas muscles are stretched. Hence, performing this asana may injure your psoas muscles, spinal nerves and you may also damage the spinal discs.

What you can do

There are literally countless manifestations of asana that can be put to use to cure low back pain and other back problems. However, which one is right for you can only be decided after a thorough examination of your spine. I go one step further by doing your pulse diagnosis to understand your digestive metabolism. That plays a major part in maintaining the health of your spinal muscles.

The best step you can take when you want to cure your low back pain is to visit a yoga therapist who knows how to diagnose your problem. We diagnose your problem through Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis.

— Mahesh Krishnamurthy

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Samar Banik
Samar Banik
5 years ago

Dear Sir, I have gone through your pages and I felt those worthy. From a place and point you advice/suggest has a scope to meet a Yoga Therapist. Checking the pulse bit and understanding the health condition of patients is a long way of experience in Ayurveda System of Treatment which we find here almost gone in Bangladesh. So, you will find many a places like ours in the world. That is why I request you to please provide as much information as possible for the benefit of those who don’t have a chance even to meet a Yoga Therapist. The Asanas given here are not to be practiced by patients having lower back pain. I also request you to name the Asanas required to be practiced in common by patients having lower back pain.


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