November 12, 2024 By Rashmi Sharanappa 0 Comments Please answer the below General Health Questionnaire to receive your Generic health report 1. How would you rate your overall health? Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent None 2. Do you have any chronic health conditions? Yes No None 3. How often do you exercise? Never Rarely Occasionally Regularly Daily None 4. How many hours of sleep do you get on average per night? 4 4-6 6-8 8-10 >10 None 5. Do you smoke? Yes No None 6. Do you consume alcohol? Never Occasionally Weekly Daily None 7. Do you follow any specific diet? No Vegetarian Vegan Low-Carb Keto Other None 8. How much water do you drink daily? < 1 L 1-2 L 2-3 L 3-4 L > 4 L None 9. How often do you eat fruits and vegetables? Never Rarely Occasionally Regularly Daily None 10. Do you take any supplements? No Multivitamins Vitamin D Omega-3 Others None 11. How often do you experience stress? Never Rarely Occasionally Regularly Always None 12. Do you have a history of mental health issues? Yes No None 13. Do you suffer from any allergies? Yes No None 14. How often do you visit a healthcare professional? Never Annually Biannually Quarterly Monthly None 15. Have you had any major surgeries? Yes No None 16. Do you experience body pain frequently? Yes No None 17. How would you rate your energy levels? Low Average Good High Very High None 18. How often do you engage in relaxation activities (e.g., yoga, meditation)? Never Rarely Occasionally Regularly Daily None 19. Do you have any difficulties with mobility? Yes No None 20. Do you experience frequent headaches? Yes No None 21. Do you have a family history of any hereditary illnesses? Yes No None 22. How often do you experience digestive issues? Never Rarely Occasionally Regularly Daily None 23. Do you have regular health check-ups? Yes No None 24. How would you rate your diet? Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent None 25. Do you feel well-rested after waking up? Never Rarely Occasionally Regularly Always None 26. Do you experience shortness of breath? Yes No None 27. Do you have any difficulty concentrating? Yes No None 28. How would you describe your social support network? None Limited Adequate Good Excellent None 29. How many hours do you spend sitting daily? < 2 2-4 4-6 6-8 >8 None 30. Are you satisfied with your current health status? Yes No None 31. Do you pay attention to your breathing? Yes No None 32. Do you pay attention to your sitting posture? Yes No None 33. What do you do when you feel emotionally hurt? Talk to a friend Write it down in my diary I go silent I react violently I introspect None 34. How do you face fear? I love my comfort zone I reason I control I become nervous I react by shouting None 35. What do you do when you get shouted at? I shout back I don’t react I feel hurt I control my feelings I become physical None Please enter your details to receive the results on your email. Name Email Phone Time's up