Eat to stay healthy

Do you think you body can digest food whenever you eat food? If you think the answer is yes, you\’re wrong. Your body can digest food only when your body needs it. You must satisfy the body\’s need for food. This is when you feel hungry. At other times, although you are able to eat, your body cannot digest that food because the acids and enzymes do not secrete the same way when your body is physically hungry. Eat to stay healthy.

When your body is not hungry, the food you swallow cannot get metabolised. This means, your cells do not get nourished from the food you have consumed due to sense craving. Then your eating is actually harming your body.

What happens when you\’re not hungry?

The foods you consumed when not hungry stays in your stomach for longer. Digestion slows down. More bile secretes from your gall bladder to help digest the food. This causes the initial symptom called acidic indigestion. It causes an uncomfortable irritation or discomfort. Hunger is usually weak. When you ignore this symptom, it manifests into other chronic symptoms.

1. Eat because your body needs it

Hunger and craving are different. By observing your feeling in your stomach and tongue, you can differentiate between the two. Give into hunger and avoid craving. When your tongue is craving for food, I suggest you drink lukewarm water. Eat your dinner within an hour after sunset. Choose when you dineout and which restaurants you choose to eat in. We are extremely careful about where we dineout.

Lunch must happen before 1:00pm. These are some of the easiest ways to maintain your health. Do not tell me you can\’t do that. Your body is governed by the rising and setting sun. It doesn\’t know how else to work. It works according to nature. So, support your body. Don\’t force your body to support your abusive schedules. That way you are weakening your body\’s ability to perform its tasks effortlessly, optimally and efficiently.

2. Avoid distractions while eating

It is important to focus on food while eating. Imagine what you\’d feel like if you did not have food to eat. Practice taking only one meal a day at least once weekly so you get to know the value of food. Avoid watching television or reading while eating. Sit down comfortably while eating. Walking while eating and working while eating must be avoided. Although lunch meetings in restaurants seem to optimise your time by clubbing lunch and work, it hampers your body function and can lead to irreversible health complications.

3. Be Vegetarian – dineout in restaurants sparingly

Most vegetarian foods are easily digestible excepting a few such as milk and derivatives of milk in the form of milk based sweets, butter and paneer. Sprouts are also difficult to digest especially if you are not exercising intensely everyday. Wheat is difficult to digest. Oil fried foods prepared out of besan or chick pea flour cause indigestion and gas and do not support your health. Therefore, a ll of these can be avoided. Avoid eggs too. They are difficult to digest and add to unhealthy weight gain. Food must be lifestyle based. Less exercise means modest food. Eat to stay healthy. There are excellent mouthwatering and healthy recipes that you can check out.

We do not visit restaurants too often. When we choose to dineout, we choose restaurants that cook and serve only vegetarian foods.

4. Fruits are good

Specific fruits are good to keep your body in good health. The king of fruits is pomegranate (not mango as they say). I suggest you eat fruits either breakfast or a 3 pm fruit. Avoid sour fruits such as grapes, pineapple and sour oranges because they can aggravate your symptoms. Also avoid banana. Avoid apples if you do not reside in the apple growing areas. You can eat most of the other fruits. Never eat fruits immediately after a meal.

5. Sweets

Sugary sweets are good to taste but bad for health. Prefer sweets made from jaggery. Sweets can be had in the beginning of your meal only if you are very hungry. Avoid sweets altogether if you are not.

Other contributors to stay healthy

6. Exercise Regularly

Walking is not an exercise. It is a warm up before exercise. Exercise involves stretching, twisting and bending. Move your body more. Exercise can also mean working at home cleaning, clearing, moving objects, cutting wood, fetching water etc,. Professional forms of exercise are also good. I prefer to combine Yoga and exercise for best results.

7. Practice Breathing Consciously

There are two ways we can breathe. The usual way is the passive breathing. You are not aware of your breathing. It happens. Then there is active breathing. You are conscious of your breathing. You are also conscious and aware of the posture you are sitting in to efficiently breathe in and out so that your body can derive more Prana and oxygen from the air.

8. Keep your mind active

The best way to keep your mind active is through reading. Reading activates several neurons that help you become mentally active. Your mind remains young and energetic when you read. Most people feel tired and fatigue because they stop learning. Reading is one of the best ways of learning. Engage with people who are intelligent and are inspiring. Avoid people who are boring and complaining.

Eat to stay healthy

In conclusion, I like to say, go to restaurants sparingly. Eat home food. enjoy what you eat, stay enthusiastic as a child and willing to learn from life, you can stay healthy until the very end. Eat to stay healthy.

Did you watch this video – 90 year old man does skydive? Stay young, Stay healthy.

— Mahesh Krishnamurthy

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5 years ago

So beautifully explained… Thank you so much Sir

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